Monday, December 3, 2007


Folia 3 (Yellow) 2007

for comfort
for friends
for security
for a nice place to live
for good food
for discernment
for colleagues that value me
for colleagues whom I value
for helping me to remember not to let myself get all freaked out about it all sometimes
for plunking me down in a place and time where I have access to so much
for the love
for cuties
for humor
for an excellent list-making ability


Bill said...

Thanks for posting the photo of the Christmas Caddy. A friend & I were strolling Monument Ave yesterday after breakfast at Karen's Diner, and we stopped to admire the 1963 car & decorations. I found your photo through google images, and was able to send it to a friend of mine in Amsterdam to show her how the car looks.

Charles Gustina said...

Hey Bill,
That's what photographers are for - recording reality. Well - so they tell us anyway.

Have you seen the Ugly Truck on Tilden Street near Stuart?